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Fluid Process Components


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Fluid Process Components

When it comes to designing and manufacturing ultra high purity / ultra clean technology (UHP/UCT) liquid process systems, engineers must be able to rely on the highest quality components available to create their systems. Using liquids such as acids and alkalis, along with food and beverage production depend on fluid process control products to provide the best possible liquid process systems.

 At Daitron, we provide key fluid process components to address the needs of our customers. Our customers expect intelligence in engineering and cost-effective manufacturing expertise for their liquid process systems, and that’s exactly what we deliver.

  • Fluid Flow Control

The precise fluid flow control of the liquid flow rate in the high purity UCT (ultra clean technology) field is made possible by DI water, chemical, and slurry valves, regulators and manifolds. Additionally, high purity water and air spray guns utilize durable rugged parts which combine to extend the lifetime of these spray guns.

  • Fluid Process Control Liquid Monitoring

Measuring and detecting liquids is a critical need in many industrial applications. Our liquid flow and leak detection sensors provide a wide range of liquid monitoring diversity.

  • Liquid Temperature Control

All Daitron liquid temperature control products utilize high purity chemical resistant materials on all wetted parts. Temperature controllers incorporate the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm for precise temperature control of fluid mediums.

  • Wet Sonic Cleaning & Ultrasonic Cleaning Capabilities

Ultrasonic energy causes alternating patterns of low and high pressure phases. During the low pressure phases, minute bubbles or vacuum cavities form. During the subsequent high pressure phases, the bubbles implode violently. Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the most highly effective and efficient methods used for cleaning a wide array of parts even in mass production environments.

  • High Purity Fittings

High purity tubing fittings offer superior performance for semiconductor wet process applications. They provide numerous advantages including unrestricted fluid flow, minimum fluid trapping and, maintaining a tight liquid seal when subjected to variations in temperature and pressure.

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