The PSØ9 extends the PICOSTRAIN family as a very compact, space-saving solution. Typical of PICOSTRAIN, PSØ9 combines the highest resolution and accuracy at very low power consumption for the entire system. The integrated patented software calibration allows a fully automated correction of temperature errors in load cells. This raises production quality to a level at which the (digital-) load cell easily meets the requirements for specifications like OIML or NTEP. The PSØ9 is both a complete single-chip solution including everything, and a frontend chip with a lot of built-in-intelligence. Special features like the capacitive inputs for buttons or sliders that need only 1 μA operating current round out the functionality.
PSØ9 allows to build scales with up to 150,000 stable peak-peak divisions at 2 mV/V. On the other hand, sophisticated power management can reduce the total system current, e.g. 40 μA with 3 Hz and 14 bits at 2 mV/V.